Configuring URL Filtering for DIA Guest Users

Task List

- Updating the Security Policy
- Verification

Updating the Security Policy

URL Filtering allows networks to block traffic to certain sites by utilizing URL-based policies. It is implemented using the Snort Engine.

  1. On the vManage GUI, navigate to Configuration => Security. Locate the Guest-FW-IPS-DIA policy and click on the three dots next to it. Choose to Edit the policy. We will add URL Filtering capabilities to the same policy which we used for IPS deployment

  2. Click on the URL Filtering tab and then click on Add URL Filtering Policy. Choose Create New

  3. Click on Target VPNs and enter a Target VPN of 30. Click on Save Changes

  4. Enter URLF-NoShopping for the Policy Name. Set the Web Categories to Block and add auctions and shopping to the categories. Set the Web Reputation to High Risk

  5. Specify This is not allowed! in the Content Body and make sure all the Alerts are selected. Click on Save URL Filtering Policy

  6. Make sure the URLF-NoShopping URL Filtering policy shows up and click on Save Policy Changes

  7. Click on Next and choose to Configure Devices. You can check the side-by-side configuration if needed, making note of the web-filter and block page-profile configuration being pushed by vManage. This is our URL-F configuration


Wait for a few minutes before going through the verification steps enumerated below.

  1. Log in to the Site40 PC by accessing vCenter (use the bookmark or access if connected to the GHI DC and if connected to the SJC DC). Log in using the credentials provided and click on the sdwan-sjc/ghi-site40pc-podX. Click on the console icon to open a Web Console. Open an Incognito window in Chrome or a Private Browsing tab in Mozilla Firefox. Try to access The page should get blocked, giving the message we had customized

  2. Log in to the CLI for cEdge40 via Putty and issue show utd engine standard logging events. This will show us being blocked with a category of shopping attached to it

URL Filtering is working as expected in our lab environment.