These brief instructions will help you become familiar with the SWAT SD-WAN Lab Guide conventions.

Given below are a few of the conventions used in this lab guide. Each point enunciated below doubles up as an example.

In order to move around in the document and skip to particular sections, use the sidebar and/or the header hyperlink.

Sub headers will look like this

These can also be navigated to via the Index at the top of the page

A block of commands like this one
can be copied and pasted
directly to the CLI

Text in bold is usually important. Standalone commands will be distinguishable from the rest of the text

A Hyperlink will direct you to additional technical documentation associated with the section you’re working on.

  1. Steps to be followed as part of the lab guide have an associated image as a visual aid CiscoSDWAN

  2. Some steps will also have a table with information useful for that section of the guide

    Tables are Cool
    Cisco SD-WAN is cooler

Task List

- Every major section will have a task list
- Which we will strike out once complete